Golubkova Ì.À., Ogneva I.V. Some aspects of the role of phosphorilation in regulation of spermatozoa motility in microgravity
The review describes mechanisms of regulating the spermatozoa motor activity. The authors present the enzymes involved in phosphorilation of axonemal proteins, action of various inhibitors of the spermatozoa motility in animals, and discuss the results of investigations in simulated and space microgravity.
Key words: microgravity, spermatozoon, cytoskeleton, cell motility, phosphorilation.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 5-15.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-5-15
Bogomolov V.V., Polyakov A.V., Kovachevich I.V., Repenkova L.G., Bundina M.V. Improvement of medical supplies to help with disorders of the digestive system function during space mission
Analysis of digestive function (DF) disorders in cosmonauts-participants in 83 main missions to the station Mir and ISS showed that episodic DF problems had been abated successfully with the help of onboard medicaments.
Comparative assessment of the spaceflight adversities and digestive disease risk factors resulted in drawing up a list of predictable digestive diseases that includes the gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspesia.
Following the ensuing recommendations, the onboard medical kits have been complemented with the proton pump inhibitors, H2-histamine receptor antagonists, prokinetics of new classes, antibacterials, ursodesocholic acid preparations, and probiotics to treat gut dysbiosis. A broad use of prefilled syringes is advisable.
Key words: orbital station, dysfunction, digestive system organs, onboard medical care supplies, therapy standards.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 16-22.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-16-22
Polyakov A.V., Bubeev Yu.A., Usov V.Ì., Vladimirsky B.Ì., Lakhin O.I. Methodology of constructing the conceptual COVID-19 spreading models to draw conclusions regarding the infection risks
Drawing conclusions about the coronavirus infection risks and real-time decision-making is a primary duty of health-care professionals.
The agent-based modeling of events allows look closely at expectable hazards and paths of immediate infection as the grounds for planning personal tactics of infection prevention. The event modeling transforms verbal information (objects, relations, factors etc.) in constructs of knowledge for computer analysis of COVID-19 contagion.
The knowledge constructs or information ontology may be helpful to health-care professionals in bringing to people of risky occupations true information of hazards and validity of the existing rules and regulations.
Key words: COVID-19 contagion, epidemic modeling, problem-solving, response scenario, concept and construct of knowledge, personal risk.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 23-35.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-23-35
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Makarov I.A., Bogomolov V.V. Voronkov Yu.I., Alferova I.V., Krivolapov V.V., Khorosheva E.G., Anikeev D.À. ÎCT-diagnostics of the ocular nerve edema in space flight: analysis of the peripapillary retinal thickness
In-flight analysis of 20 eyes (10 cosmonauts) was possible owing to the kindly granted fundus photos, multicolor images, HRA- and ÎCÒ-images made on optical coherent tomographs Spectralis I and II onboard the International space station (ISS).
Ophtalmoscopic examinations diagnosed papilledemas graded stages II and III on the L. Frisen scale (4 eyes, 20.0 %). Mean retinal thickness and volume were determined using the Thickness Map protocols. Quantified were Bruch membrane, maximal retinal thickness in the temporal and nasal optic nerve disk (OND), and lateral papilledema sizes. The Bruch membrane was used to detect the OND center and to correct circle alignment in the sectors selected for the retinal thickness data analysis. Since papilledemas did not exceed 2.5 mm (2503 µm), mean thickness was measured in the OND center and edges along the circle of 2 mm in diameter. Conventional normal values of the mean temporal thickness within this circle and a circle of 1 mm in diameter in the OND central area vary within a wide range. Dynamic ONL observation in space missions will be credible provided a correct OND alignment with the ocular axis.
Key words: OND edema, space mission, ÌÍÎÑ/SANS, retinal thickness.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 36-44.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-36-44
Lysova N.Yu., Fomina E.V., Kireev K.S., Grishin A.P. Effect of long-term space missions on the biomechanical characteristics of locomotions with an additional motor task
Goal of the investigation is extantion of our knowledge about the gravity-dependent changes in motor control due to a prolonged stay in the spaceflight conditions using the stepping-over-obstacle test.
The paper presents mechanical characteristics of locomotions performed by 7 cosmonauts onboard the International space station in 171 ± 19 day missions.
Subjects of analysis were time of standing on one leg and distance of the knee joint, ankle joint and distal aspect of foot elevation over the obstacle, as well as angles of the hip, knee and ankle joints of the leg first to step over.
It was shown that after long space missions the stepping-over task was fulfilled with lowered joint amplitudes as compared to the pre-flight data. Time of standing on one leg and distance between the obstacle and leg first to step over were both increased considerably only at the hight of 30 cm.
Key words: microgravity, biomechanical characteristics of locomotions, stepping over an obstacle.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 45-50.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-45-50
Bukhtiyarov I.V., Zibarev E.V., Fomina Ì.Å., Mikueva V.S. Analysis of the long-term sickness rate among airline pilots
Retrospective health analysis was performed having the data from 211 airline pilots and 168 flight mechanics with symptoms of chronic neurosensory bradyacusia gathered in the period from 2015 to 2020. There were 2 control groups. One group consisted of bus drivers comparable to pilots in terms of acoustic environment and work intensity. The other group included power station operators working in standard acoustic environments and doing intensive work.
The investigation revealed a statistical difference between the pilots and control groups in the rates of cardiovascular diseases (22.45 vs. 7.08 and 71.19 in the control groups), respiratory diseases (0.18 vs. 0.07 and 0.44), digestive diseases (17.13 vs. 1.90 and 154.21), musculoskeletal (15.44 vs. 15.44 and 254.97), neural, urogenital diseases (11.49 vs. 0.79 and 167.61).
In comparison with the control groups, pilots were at a higher risk of cerebral atherosclerosis (13.79 vs. 2.81 and 67.58), essential hypertension (14.25 vs. 1.01 and 200.78), spinal osteochondrosis (3.00 vs. 0.39 and 22.95), prostate hyperplasia (2.29 vs. 0.11 and 48.82) and chronic prostatitis (3.43 vs. 0.20 and 57.65).
Also stated was a statistical difference in the medium of chronic diseases at the retirement age in pilots and flight mechanics in comparison with the control members: (6 (4–8) pilots, 6 (4.5–8.0) flight mechanics, 3 (1–5) drivers, 2 (1–3) operators; ð < 0.05).
Key words: pilots, flight mechanics, chronic disease, flight hours, risk.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 51-59.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-51-59
Eskov K.N. Role of the instrumental behavior of operators in implementation of the team interrelated work
The paper deals with correlation between 6 classification types (styles) of operator's instrumental behavior and the extent of success in solving homeostatic tasks.
Experimental data analysis permitted identification of instrumental behavior styles favorable to teamwork, and those that hinder work progress. This understanding will be to the advantage in selecting team members that can be trusted to implement tasks requiring good coordination and cooperation.
Key words: procedure Homeostat, work team, classification types (styles) of instrumental behavior, solving homeostatic tasks.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 60-66.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-60-66
Alkhaddour A., Mashkina E.V. Effect of plant extracts on the level of free-radical processes in human cells
We evaluated the effects of extracts from the pomegranate (Punica granatum), vine (Vitis vinifera) seeds and garlic (Allium sativum) on free-radical reactions in human cells in relation to SNPs in the SOD2 and ÑAT genes.
The object was human peripheral leukocytes cultured in the presence of extracts from pomegranate (1.2; 2.4 %), garlic (0.5; 1.2 %) and vine seeds (1.2; 2.4 %). Intensity of free-radical reactions was assessed by a fast flash and flashlight sum of the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL). Alleles of SOD2 and ÑAT were analyzed using allele-specific PCR.
The results showed that the pomegranate extract decreases LDCL intensity reliably in comparison with the control. Extracts of the garlic (1.2 %) and vine seeds (1.2 %) increase LDCL intensity. Correlation was established between the genotype determined by polymorphism of SOD2 gene Ala16Val (rs4880) and fast flash intensity during human cell cultivation with the extract of vine seeds (1.2 %).
Key words: oxygen active forms, chemiluminescence, pomegranate extract, vine seeds extract, garlic extract, SOD2 gene.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 67-72.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-67-72
Yasnetsov Vik.V., Ivanov Yu.V., Karsanova S.K., Yasnetsov V.V. Effect of two new tripeptides on the hippocampus level in rats
Experiments on hippocampal slices in rats showed that, in contrast to piracetam (100 µM to 10 mM), two new tripeptides, i.e. H-asparagil-glutamyl-proline-OH and H-asparagil-glutamyl-arginin-OH (concentrations 500 µM, 1 and 2.5 mM respectively), strengthened the orthodrome population responses in field ÑÀ1. In all three concentrations the effect of H-asparagil-glutamyl-proline-OH was stronger than of the other tripeptide. That is both tripeptides facilitate synaptic transmission within the Schaffer collaterals-pyramidal neurons system in hippocumpal field CA1. Similarly to piracetam (100 µM, within 15 minutes) these tripeptides supported short-term potentiation of the hippocampal synaptic transfer by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Specific NMDA-receptors antagonist D-AP5 cancelled the NMDA effect fully which infers that the observed effect is achieved through activation of NMDA-receptors. Effect from H-asparagil-glutamyl-proline-OH excelled equally piracetam and H-asparagil-glutamyl-arginin-OH; H-asparagil-glutamyl-arginin-OH excelled piracetam only.
Key words: new tripeptides, population response, short-term potential of synaptic tranmission, N-methyl-D-aspartate, hippocampus, rats.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 73-77.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-73-77
Arokina N.K. Recovery of rat's heart and respiration functioning during emergence from deep hypothermia in the process of self-heating and with an external heater
The article presents modeling of the organism emergence from hypothermia preceded by cardiac arrest. Experiments were performed with anaesthetized Wistar male rats and monitoring the breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, rectal and esophagal temperature. Rats were kept immersed in water at 8–10 °Ñ till the respiratory arrest and cardiac activity reduction. In 5 minutes, artificial ventilation was administered to restore a normal cardiac rhythm and rate. In one model, the rats had to warm themselves after withdrawal from water. In the other, the rats were held in water till arrest of the previously activated heart. Afterwards the rat's chest wall was heated to restore the cardiac activity. Artificial ventilation was stopped when animal showed signs of breathing.
According to the results, in the second model anoxia together with a deeper cooling slowed down recovery of the cardiac and breathing functions. These experimental models can be used for verification of procedures of emergence from deep hypothermia and testing resuscitation pharmaceuticals.
Key words: rat, hypothemia, artificial ventilation, activation of the cardiac and breathing functions.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 78-85.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-78-85
Mitrikas V.G., Khorosheva E.G. Long-term operation of dosimetry facility «Pille» onboard the ISS
Malfunctioning of the reader is likely to be the reason for low radiation doses measured by the Pille dosimeters over the more than 20 years of ISS.
Rectified measurements of the average daily absorbed dose rate agreed satisfactorily with readings of the other onboard tools of radiation monitoring.
Key words: space radiation, average daily absorbed dose rate.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 86-90.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-4-86-90
Kudryavtseva N.S., Sorokin À.Å. Preliminary estimation of combined expenses on research and development of high-reliability physico-chemical life support systems for remote space missions with regard to common cause failures
We have made a preliminary comprehensive cost estimation for reliability of life support systems (LSS) in 1000-d remote space exploration missions with the loss-of-crew probability at 0.0001 due to failure of hybrid, partly and maximally closed-loop LSSs currently used onboard the ISS Russian segment. Comprehensive cost of a simplified test program is 5-times higher than cost of any LSS.
A beta-factor parametric model was used to analyze LSS reliability against common cause failures (CCFs) when reiterative redundancy cannot provide superhigh reliability. It appears that the required reliability against CCFs is achievable on the diversification principle, i.e. reiterative diverse redundancy of basic LSS technologies. The estimated LSS cost is twice as much in comparison with the traditional approach that takes into account independent failures only. Diverse inherent cold redundancy can reduce the cost about 30 % provided that R&D expenses on regenerative subsystems are equal.
Key words: life support system, loss-of-crew probability, comprehensive costs.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2021. V. 55. ¹ 4. P. 91-98.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2021-55-2-91-98