Ryumin Î.Î., Ivanov A.V., Bubeev Yu.A. Space exploration mission: psychological safety of the crew
The article considers the problem of psychological safety of the crews of manned interplanetary missions. Psychophysiological risks have been identified that can negatively affect the safe behavior of astronauts, the effectiveness of the flight program, which requires taking into account and carrying out special measures to minimize them during the organization and training of crews of interplanetary missions, as well as during psychological support in flight.
Keywords: interplanetary flight, psychological safety, professional psychological selection, isolation experiment, psychological training, support and support in flight.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 5-10.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-5-10
Posokhov I.N., Praskurnichiy Å.À., Lizunov V.Yu. Algorithm of taking a medical decision for planning air travels of people after cardiac surgery
The present progress in cardiology is boosted by the growing number of air passengers with cardiovascular diseases. Yet, there is still no official guidance for general practitioners to conclude whether a cardiac patient, particularly who has undergone surgery recently, will fly safely.
The review touches upon the air travel factors that may be stressful to the people after open-heart surgery, implantation of electronic devices or catheterization.
On the basis of available literature, the authors propose algorithms for medical consultation of people with cardiac surgery history planning a long air travel.
Key words: cardiovascular diseases, cardiac surgery, pneumothorax, air travel, air-flight environment, examination algorithms, cardiac surgery patient.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 11-16.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-11-16
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Supolkina N.S., Yusupova À.Ê., Kotov O.V., Savenko Î.À. Algorithm of modeling an effective communication within the MCC-crew loop based on content-analysis of the data of communications of cosmonauts with ground controllers in the period of space mission
The paper describes an algorithm of effective communication between the space crew and Mission control operators with consideration of personal communicative styles of cosmonauts. The content-analysis categories were developed using the coping-strategies tools supplemented by categories related to the spaceflight work environment specifically. The algorithm can be useful as a methodical aid for a broad circle of specialists contacting cosmonauts directly, and also as a footing for an algorithm of machine learning of a virtual psychologist that will support cosmonauts in trans-orbital missions.
Key words: content-analysis, effective and ineffective communication between MCC and crew, communicative style, type of social support, burnout syndrome, machine learning.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 17-25.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-17-25
Gornostaeva À.N., Buravkova L.B. Characteristics of the extracellular matrix of adipose stromal progenitor cells after a long-term simulation of microgravity
Effects of 21-day microgravity simulated by the random positioning machine (Gravite) on the functional activity of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) from the human adipose tissue (cytokine profile, expression of genes and surface markers) and ability to produce the extracellular matrix (ECM) were investigated.
It has been found that after the long-term exposure in microgravity MSCs persevered high viability and stromal phenotype. Changes in expression of the surface adhesion molecules consisted in an increase of integrin CD49 and decrease of endoglin CD105. The cytokine profile was shifted, i.e. VEGF concentration increased, while concentrations of IL-6, G-CSF and eotaxin decreased. Expression of the metalloproteinase 1 (MMP1) gene downregulated and that of matrix protein osteopontin SSP1 upregulated. Structural proteins osteopontin, fibronectin and collagen were equally well visualized in all the experimental groups.
These findings point to the MSCs functional retention and ECM adaptive shifts in response to the long-term exposure in simulated microgravity.
Key words: simulated microgravity, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, extracellular matrix.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 26-33.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-26-33
Kashirina D.N., Brzhozovsky A.G., Poddubko S.V., Dymova À.À., Pastushkova L.Kh., Larina I.M., Orlov O.I. Effect of hypomagnetic environment on the cell proteome of bacterial cultures
Investigations of differentially regulated molecular characteristics based on the results of panoramic profiling of bacterial cell lysate proteomes using chromatography-mass spectrometry and gene ontology analysis, identification of the enzymes involved in the metabolic activity and modification of the proteomes of strains cultivated in a hypomagnetic environment (HME) displayed dissimilar effects on lysate proteomes of epidermal staphylococci strains S1 and S3. Nonetheless, molecular responses of certain bacterial properties are alike. Both strains enlarged individual urease subunits (in S3, this was alpha-subunit only; in S1, these were alpha, beta and gamma subunits). Also, the strains increased levels of some pathogenicity factors, such as proteins associated with antibacterial resistance, DNAs, proteins binding to elastin and fibrinogen, and involved in biosynthesis of lipoteichoic acids essential for adhesion to epithelial cells.
Although the number of samples was not large, these results demonstrate an obvious proteomic response to HME suggesting activation of the mechanisms which increase bacterial pathogenicity. This observation is of importance, specifically, for designing a habitable lunar base in near future.
Key words: microorganisms, hypomagnetic environment, proteome, metabolic activity, pathogenicity factor.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 34-43.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-34-43
Shafirkin A.V., Benguin V.V., Shurshakov V.A. Local tissue doses in a mission beyond earth’s magnetosphere behind various spacecraft shielding with consideration of the decreases of protons and helium ions effectiveness
The paper presents the contemporary view of the risks from space radiation, retrospective of dose limits regulation, total risk estimation and plausible lifespan reduction in consequence of extended orbital and exploration missions. The authors analyze the potential of thickening the aluminum-polyethylene shielding to reduce doses from galactic space radiation (GSR) in space exploration missions.
For this purpose, dose calculation was performed with consideration of the times reduction of the effectiveness of protons and GSR helium ions with low dose rate owing to a rapid reparation of cells in radiation-sensitive tissues.
It was shown that dependence the new quality factor (QF) on linear energy transfer (LET) to tissues and reduction of the protons and helium ions effectiveness in comparison to the existing calculational techniques reduces 2-3 folds the annual local tissue equivalent doses behind a 30–100 g/cm2 aluminum shield and 3-4 folds behind polyethylene. With the new QF -LET dependence, the multiple dose reduction due to buildingup of the shielding thickness compensates the double dose growth behind thin shielding.
Key words: local tissue doses from galactic cosmic rays, new dependence of quality factors on LET, rapid reparation processes on the cell level of radio-sensitive tissues.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 44-54.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-44-54
Druzhinina À.À., Bogotskoy Ê.À., Tarasova Î.S. The mechanisms of NO-dependent control of the cerebral circulation in hypercapnia
Respiratory hypercapnia tests are commonly used for diagnostics and predicting disorders in regulation of the cerebral circulation (CC). However, mechanisms of the hypercapnia effect on CC have been poorly explored, including the involvement of various isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the response.
Purpose of the work is to study the role of NOS isoforms in CC regulation in mice breathing gas mixture with 5 % CO2.
Effects of isoform-selective NOS inhibitors on the systemic blood pressure (BP) and CC in the normal condition and during hypercapnia were investigated. Experiments were conducted with mice Ñ57Bl/6J narcotized with a Zoletil and xylazine mixture. BP recording via a catheter in the carotid artery showed that inhibition of nNOS (nitroindazol, 7-NI) has no effect on systemic BP, whereas inhibition of eNOS (L-NIO) rises BP to the same level as observed during inhibition of all NOS isoforms with L-NAME. In the next test series, the linear blood velocity was recorded in large veins located in the frontal and parietal cortex regions using the laser speckle contrast imaging; specialized algorithms were used to determine the internal vascular diameters and volume blood flow.
Inhibition of nNOS did not change the basal CC level, while inhibition of eNOS resulted in its reduction. The CC response to hypecapnia decreased in the presence of nNOS inhibitor but not eNOS inhibitor. Participation of the NOS isoforms in CC regulation in the hypercapnic condition can depend on their localization in different types of cerebral cells and peculiar reactions of these cells to acidification.
Key words: brain blood supply, hypercapnia, endothelial synthase of nitric oxide, neuronal synthase of nitric oxide, arterial pressure, mouse.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 55-62.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-55-62
Puchkasov L.V., Daudi D.I., Krivosheev D.M., Gan Å.Î. Effect of stratosphere conditions on survivability of bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis
Preparation for remote space exploration, construction of space stations and colonization of planets calls for sophisticated studies of many factors that impact living systems in the extreme space environment.
The paper presents our investigation of the catalytic activity of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis inside a microbial fuel cell integrated into a satellite launched into the stratosphere at the altitude of 20 km. At the stage of launch, the voltage drop in the process of microbial microbial vital activity was noted. In the course of the experiment, values of voltage drop in the space-flown microbial fuel cell did not differ from those noted in the ground experiment.
These results attest that Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis are able to survive 3.5 hours in the stratosphere without protection.
Key words: microbial fuel cell, satellite, stratosphere, bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 63-69.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-63-69
Kharin S.A., Poddubko S.V., Rodimin V.D., Shef Ê.À., Dymova A.À., Berkovich Yu.A., Beliak À.Ì., Smolianina S.O. Cultivation of plants in space greenhouse Vitatsikl-T as an influence on microbiological parameters within the environment of habitable space complexes
The paper presents the results of studying microbial colonization of the interior and air circulating inside conveyor-type space greenhouse (SG) Vitatsikl-T in the course of Chinese cabbage cultivation.
Crop cultivation did not change noticeably the microbial contamination of air passing through SG or the chamber interior. Number of microorganisms did not exceed the allowable limits established for the air and internal surfaces of habitable spacecraft environment . The dominating species were gram-positive bacteria of classes Actinomycetia and Bacilli, microscopic fungi of genus Penicillium and yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Number of bacteria and fungi in the artificial soil reached 108 and 106 CFU/100 ñm2, respectively. Microbial association in the artificial soil consisted largely of gamma- and beta-proteobacteria, as well as plant-associated bacteria Paenibacillus provencensis and microscopic fungi Trichoderma hamatum.
Considering that the microbial contamination limits (GOST R 50804-95) were exceeded and that the species composition did not contain species from 4 groups of pathogens (Sanitary standard SP 3.3686-21), we assume that SG Vitatsikl-T will not compromise ecological safety of habitable spacecraft modules.
Key words: bacteria, microscopic fungi, space greenhouse, piloted space complexes, environment.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 70-78.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-70-78
Moisa S.S., Markina I.S. Study of dynamics of the water redox properties during prolonged exposure in a hypomagnetic field
High purity water was a model system to study effects of prolonged exposure in a hypogeomagnetic field (HGMF) on the water redox properties, such as the redox potential, pH value and electric currents.
Water samples (40 ml) in glass weighing bottles with ground stoppers were placed for 50 days in a hypogeomagnetic chamber (test). The chamber was a cylinder tube (10 cm in diameter and 50 cm in length) with one end open. The inside walls and bottom were covered with a magnetic field neutralizer – permalloy material. In the center of the chamber the geomagnetic field was weakened in 40 times (~1 mµÒ). A similar chamber without the permalloy cover was used for the control. Measurements were made using ionometer I-160ÌÈ once a week at one and the same time. Also, electric currents in water samples were measured continuously. After 50 days, the samples were removed from HGMF and placed in the geomagnetic field in order to study water properties over the next 30 days (recovery period).
It was found that after exposure in HGMF the redox potential increased 30 mÂ, ðÍ decreased 0.3 and current amplitudes declined by 5 µÀ. On the background of magnetic storms, all water samples increased the redox potential and ðÍ; current amplitudes reduced in the HGMF water samples. Magnetic storms weakened the effects of HGMF. In the period of recovery, changes in the parameters due to HGMF persisted; conductivity, as well as sensitivity to environmental variations decreased. The acquired water properties can remain over a long time.
These results make us think about reactions of the living systems to hypomagnetic fields.
Key words: geomagnetic field, hypogeomagnetic field, high purification water, currents, redox potential, ðÍ, magnetic storms.
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2025. V. 59. ¹ 1. P. 79-86.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2025-59-1-79-86
Chronicle and Information
Orlov O.I., Kussmaul A.R., Belakovsky M.S. Polyakov V.V. 30 years – a record flight