Tomilovskaya E.S., Kozlovskaya I.B., Shenkman B.S., Vinogradova O.L., Buravkova L.B., Orlov O.I.
XXXVIII Annual International Symposium on Gravitational Physiology
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Orlov Î.I., Koloteva Ì.I. Short-arm centrifuge as a new countermeasure to the adverse effects of microgravity and forward plans of work on the problem of artificial force of gravity in context of exploration missions
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 11–18.
Work on the problem of designing a short-arm centrifuge (SAC) as an artificial gravity (AG) generator aboard spacecraft is an integral part of efforts on the medical program for future piloted space exploration missions. Along with the conventional countermeasures, AG will sustain health and performance of cosmonauts in the micro-g environment and reduce time of readaptation on return to Earth.
A retrospective analysis was performed of the data from the AG studies with male volunteers (aged 21–45 yrs.) subjected to long-term rotations at the IBMP centrifuging facilities in the period from 1963 to 1992.
In 2015, medical tests of a 4th generation SAC were conducted with participation of 6 male volunteers (21–35 y.o.), and 5 female volunteers (25–35 y.o.) for isolation study «Luna-2015». The volunteers were exposed to the factor of head-to-pelvis accelerations (+Gz) of 1.5–2.0 g to the foot. Test regimens tried on the female subjects reaffirmed their +Gz tolerance during rotation on SAC. However, some differences were noted in reactions of the female organism when compared with the male organism.
Key words: short-arm centrifuge, artificial force of gravity, space exploration missions.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-11-18
Popova Yu.A., Suvorov A.V., Zaripov R.N., Dyachenko A.I. The lung function and fluid distribution in humans under negative inspiratory pressure breathing in spaceflight
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 19–25.
The application of the negative pressure breathing (NPB) device is examined as preventive means for blood redistribution in microgravity. The aim of our study is to investigate the effects of inspiratory NPB (NPBin) on breathing pattern and body fluid distribution in cosmonauts during spaceflight. In addition, before NPBin the detailed estimation of lung function (volumes and flows, breath-hold time) was carried out. The experiment was performed on 8 cosmonauts on the ground, during spaceflight and after landing. The special mask UDOD («Zvezda», Russia) was used for NPBin at inspiratory impedance at -20 cm H2O for 20 min. Breathing rate, mask pressure fluctuations and impedance in head, body and limbs were measured before and during NPBin. The obtained data analysis showed that there were no significant differences in lung volumes and flows, the breath-hold time was expectedly increased in microgravity. However, some examined cosmonauts had a small decrease of forced expiration parameters and vital capacity on ISS board and after landing. The NPBin resulted in significant decrease of breathing rate. However, no statistically significant changes in body and head impedance compared with tidal breathing were observed. Nevertheless, the greatly increased variability of investigated impedance parameters was demonstrated during NPBin exposure, but the impedance shifts in head region were about narrow range in the most measurements. To date, the experiment continues to accumulate more observations for principled estimation of NPB mask as a countermeasure of blood shifts in spaceflight.
Key words: spaceflight, microgravity, lung ventilation, inspiratory negative pressure breathing, bioimpedance, fluid shifts.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-19-25
Alchinova I.B., Yakovenko E.N., Kushin V.V., Inozemtsev K.O., Karganov M.Yu., Baranov V.M. The «Phoenix» space experiment: preliminary results
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 6 (special issue). P. 26–30.
Damage of genetics apparatus of cells in space flight conditions is primarily due to radiation impact. Indirect effects of radiations (mediated by water) constitute 80–90 % of the total damaging in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and largely determine cell inactivation. The aim of «Phoenix» experiment is to obtain new data on effects of long term space flight on the genetic apparatus and viability of dried human lymphocytes and mouse bone marrow cells (BMC). The cell concentration was adjusted to 1 ? 106 per 100 ?l. This volume of the cell suspension was transferred into vials and lyophilized. Cell viability was evaluated by trypan blue exclusion test. The morphology of human lymphocytes and mouse BMC was analyzed after Romanowsky – Giemsa staining. MTT assay showed the presence of mitochondrial activity of cells after rehydration. Sealed vials with human lymphocytes and mouse BMC were packed in 12 «Bio-ecology» boxes arranged at 3 containers. Each box was equipped with passive space radiation dosimeter. The containers were delivered to ISS in November 2014 and installed in «Pirs», «Poisk» and Service modules. Control vials with cells and travel background dosimeters were stored at the laboratory. Three boxes (one from each module) were returned to the Earth in 7 months. Others were retrieved every 6 months.
The ratio of doses in spacecraft compartments was 1 : 2 : 3 in Service, «Poisk» and «Pirs» modules relatively. The preliminary analysis of nuclear fragmentation events led to the conclusion, that impact of secondary particles on biological structures can be comparable with effects coursed by heavy nucleus of galactic cosmic rays. The difference in biological effects correlates with the dose values (depends on the ISS compartment). In all cases the peaks for samples from «Pirs» module were shifted to the right relative to the samples from Service and «Poisk» modules (that indicates the formation of smaller DNA fragments). Double staining with fluorescent dyes ethidium bromide (necrosis) and acridine orange (visualizing live cells and specifically staining apoptotic cells) revealed cells in different physiological states.
Key words: cosmic radiation, DNA breakage, space modules, passive dosimeter.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-26-30
Amirova L.E., Shishkin N.V., Kitov V.V., Saveko A.A., Tomilovskaya E.S., Kozlovskaya I.B. The role of visual feedback in the control of human vertical stability before and after 5-day «dry» immersion
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 31–37.
The aim of the study was to assess the role of visual feedback in performing tasks of vertical posture maintenance after exposure to simulated microgravity.
The study involved 20 young male volunteers. As a model of microgravity, was the «dry» immersion (DI) that reproduces the elimination of support and physical loads was used. Postural tests were performed twice before the exposure to DI during the first 30 minutes after its completion and on the second day of the recovery period.
The results of the study revealed the increase in all the postural parameters studied with the stand with the eyes open immediately after the completion of the DI. The amplitude of body oscillations in the frontal and sagittal planes increased by 30–35 %, the average velocity of the center of pressure increased by 10 %, the values of ellipse area increased by 50 %. Two different types of changes in postural stability were observed after DI, when performing a vertical stance without visual feedback: in some of the subjects, the Romberg ratio increased by 43 %, while in others, it decreased by 37 %. On the second day of the recovery period the values returned to the background level.
Key words: «dry» immersion, vertical stability, stabilography, visual feedback.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-31-37
Shpakov A.V., Voronov A.V. Peculiarities of human walking under different level of gravitational loading on musculoskeletal system
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 38–47.
Fifteen men and nine women participated as volunteers the investigation. They performed a walking on treadmill at the pace of 90 steps/minute with different gravitational loading on the musculoskeletal system: 100 % of body weight, 38 % and 16 % of body weight, typical for of human walking on the surface of Earth, Mars and Moon. During walking the kinematic parameters, ground reaction force and EMG-activity of the leg muscles were recorded and analyzed. The change in the gravitational loading on musculoskeletal system was carried out by the method of vertical body suspension.
Key words: locomotion, video analysis of movements, vertical suspension, electromyography, the angles of the joints, ground reaction force, gravitational load.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-38-47
Fomina E.V., Savinkina A.O., Lysova N.Yu. The efficiency of locomotor training onboard the International space station depending on ground reaction forces individual features
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 48–52.
According to the concept about the support afferentation trigger role in the development of hypogravity disorders in the motor system, we have made a study in order to compare the reference input stimulation intensity during a space mission with post-flight changes in the neuromuscular system. The study involved 10 cosmonauts. Evaluation of cosmonauts’ neuromuscular safety after space flight was carried out on the basis of m. soleus electromyography response when walking on hard support. We analyzed both relative volume of physical training and ground reaction forces magnitude in active and passive treadmill modes in conditions of prolonged space flight. We have revealed significant individual differences in ground reaction forces values depending on the BD-2 mode. It was shown that the use of exercise during space flight with the highest individual ground reaction forces values contributed to the preservation of the cosmonauts’ neuromuscular status. The predominant use of exercises with smaller ground reaction forces values contributed to a significant increase in the m. soleus EMG amplitude in the test performed on both 3rd and 10th days after completion of space flight.
Keywords: long-duration space flight, microgravity, ground reaction forces, physical performance, neuromuscular status, countermeasure.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-48-52
Meigal A.Yu., Gerasimova-Meigal L.I., Saenko I.V., Subbotina N.S., Tret’yakova O.G., Chernikova L.A. The effect of «dry» immersion as microgravity analogue on neurological symptoms in Parkinsonism
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 53–59.
Patients with either Parkinson’s disease (n = 11) or parkinsonism and vascular parkinsonism (n = 5) have passed through a course of «dry» immersion (7 sessions, each 45 min long, 2 times a week, net exposure was 315 min). After the course of «dry» immersion, score of subscale I of Wein’s inventory for autonomic disorders has decreased by 45 % and of the subscale II – by 23 %, time of the choice reaction has improved (from 560 to 455 ms, p = 0,08), while that of the simple visual-motor reaction did not. The most prominent effect was seen at the point of 2 weeks of follow up after the course of «dry» immersion.
Key words: microgravity, dry immersion, Parkinson’s disease, motor and autonomic disorders.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-53-59
Saenko I.V., Chernikova L.A., Poydasheva A.G., Khizhnikova A.E., Kremneva E.I., Morosova S.N., Konovalov R.N., Kozlovskaya I.B. Neuroplastic changes in the cerebral cortex caused by the use of mechanical stimulation of the support receptors and the soft multimodal exoskeleton complex «Regent» in healthy individuals and post-stroke patients
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 60–66.
The article discusses the investigations that were conducted in common by the Department of Sensomotor Physiology and Prevention of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Research Center of Neurology during the last 8 years. The investigations studied the neuroplasticity changes in the cerebral cortex caused by the use of mechanical stimulation of the supporting receptors and the soft multimodal exoskeleton complex «Regent» in healthy individuals and post-stroke patients. As a result of the research, a passive sensorimotor fMRI-paradigm was developed using the plantar imitator of the «Korvit» support load to simulate locomotion in healthy individuals and in patients with motor deficiency. It has been shown that both the inclusion of mechanical stimulation of the foot support zones in the rehabilitation complex in patients with acute stroke in the first days of the disease and so the use of the multimodal exoskeleton complex «Regent» in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis in later periods of stroke lead to an improvement in the characteristics of the walking function, which is accompanied by the reorganization of cortical structures with the formation of a pattern of activation of supraspinal locomotion control systems.
Key words: neuroplasticity, functional magnetic resonance imaging, sensorimotor passive fMRI, post-stroke patients, locomotion, neurorehabilitation.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-60-66
Rudenko E.A., Puchkova A.A., Baranov M.V. The research of peripheral microcirculation with a long stay in head-up bed rest and head-down bed rest
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 67–70.
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of constant and variable tilt angle of head-down bed rest (HDBR) and head-up bed rest (HUBR) on the parameters of microcirculation in humans. The results of 2 series of the experiment are presented in the article. It has been shown that arterial vasoconstriction and the increase in the linear velocity of blood flow are specific to HDBR. Opposite changes were marked under the conditions of HUBR. The postural changes of the body during the day do not influence significantly the tone of the arterial parts of the capillaries and the blood flow velocity.
Key words: microcirculation, head-down bed rest (HDBR), head-up bed rest (HUBR).
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-67-70
Atiakshin D.A., Burtseva A.S., Ilyin E.A., Alexeeva N.T., Shishkina V.V. Protease expression in mast cells of digestive organs of Mongolian gerbils after spaceflight
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 71–79.
Mast cell proteases are reported to be of special interest for space biology and medicine due to their ability to remodel the connective tissue. Mast cell proteases are known to have effects on matrix metalloproteases, fibroblast status, regulation of cellular proliferation, angiogenesis and others. However, tryptase and chymase mast cell expression in space flight conditions has not been studied yet. In this study a protease profile of mast cell population of the jejunum, stomach and liver has been analyzed in 3 groups of Mongolian gerbils: a vivarium control group, a group of synchronic experiment and a group of 12-day orbital flight on the space module «Foton-M3»; 2 experimental groups on simulating certain effects of gravity-free state in ground-based conditions were also involved in the study: a vivarium control group and a group of anti-orthostatic hanging. Protease identification was performed after immunohistochemical staining by antibodies to mast cell tryptase and chymase. Stained media were studied on the research microscope Zeiss Axio Imager A2. Multiple immunostaining was evaluated using fluorescent microcopy. After the space flight protease proportion was redistributed on the background of decreased number of mast cells in the investigated organs: the proportion of chymase-positive mast cells and mast cells with simultaneous content of chymase and tryptase increased. Such alteration of protease expression was observed in both – mucous and connective-tissue sub-populations of mast cells of the stomach and jejunum. Simultaneously, relative level of tryptase-positive mast cells in the investigated digestive organs decreased. Simulation of spaceflight factors in conditions of the synchronic experiment did not result in such significant alterations in the protease profile of mast cell populations of the investigated organs. Conspicuous is the fact that chymase expression after the spaceflight has increased; this may support mast cell participation in regulation of the cardiovascular system condition.
Key words: mast cells, Mongolian gerbils, spaceflight, the digestive system, tryptase, chymase.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-71-79
Kiryukhina O.O., Gaynullina D.K., Tarasova O.S., Vinogradova O.L. Mechanisms of endothelium-dependent relaxation of different murine arteries: relationship to the alterations in «Bion-M1» flight experiment
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 80–84.
This study proved the hypothesis that basilar and saphenous murine arteries, which demonstrated qualitatively different alterations in the «Bion-M1» flight experiment, differ in the mechanisms of endothelium-dependent regulation of their smooth muscle tone. Using specific blockers, it was shown that relaxation of both isolated arteries in response to acetylcholine is mediated by 2 signaling pathways – NO and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF). In saphenous artery, the deficiency of one of these endothelial pathways can be compensated by an increase in the activity of the other. In the basilar artery such a redistribution of the mechanisms of endothelium-dependent relaxation is not observed, therefore, a deficiency of either NO or EDHF due to space flight conditions may suppress endothelium-dependent control of vascular tone.
Key words: mouse, small arteries, brain, skin, endothelium, microgravity.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-80-84
Kuznetsov M.S., Rezvyakov P.N., Lisyukov A.N., Volkov K.D., Islamov R.R., Nikolskiy E.E. Transcriptomic profile of mice spinal cord after 30 day space flight on «Bion-M1» biosatellite and subsequent 7 day readaptation
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 85–87
A full-genome study of lumbar spinal cord of C57BL/6J mice after 30-day space flight on «Bion-M1» biosatellite and mice that have undergone a subsequent 7-day readaptation on the Earth. Comparative bioinformatic analysis of transcriptomic profile of mouse spinal cord after 30-day space flight performed by us earlier and mice that had undergone a period of readaptation revealed differential expression of 178 genes (118 genes were up-regulated and 60 were down-regulated) participating in 60 metabolic and signaling pathways. Thus, up-regulated genes which are directly related to calcium signaling pathways (CALM, CaN), aminoacids metabolism pathways (RIMKLA, CBS), glycerophospholipids (LPSAT, LPEAT), signaling pathways of mitogen-activated protein kinase (RasGRP, CACN, MEK1) directed growth of axons (EphA, Robo1, TRPC). Among down-regulated genes the participants of molecular cascades responsible for degradation of fatty acids (CPT1, ACOX3), oxidative phosphorylation (Cyt1, SDHA, COX10), apoptosis signal pathways (CASP3, TRAF2), peroxisomal oxidation (PEX1, SOD) are interesting. Obtained data indicate involvement to mechanisms of readaptation after being in zero-gravity conditions, as cascades responsible for the development of hypogravitational motor syndrome and intracellular signaling pathways activated during the week under the conditions of Earth's gravity.
Key words: hypogravitational motor syndrome, full-genome study, transcriptomic profile, «Bion-M1», DNA-microarray.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-85-87
Proshchina A.E., Gulimova V.I., Barabanov V.M., Kharlamova A.S., Saveliev S.V. Purkinje cells of thick-toed geckos after the 30-days space flight
Aviakosmicheskaya i ekologicheskaya meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 88–93.
The primary goal of this study was to evaluate long term space flight effects on Purkinje cells of the thick-toed geckos cerebellum.
Geckos from the flight group have been flown on board «Bion-M1» satellite during 30 days. Flight conditions (feeding, diurnal rhythm, temperature) were reproduced for geckos from the delayed synchronous control group.
Cerebellar Purkinje cells were examined with Nissle staining and neuron-specific beta-III-tubulin immunohistochemistry.
Revealed nonspecific cytomorphological changes in Purkinje cells of the thick-toed geckos vestibular cerebellum (hyperchromatosis, chromatolysis and vacuolization), indicating a change in the functional load. However, these changes were reversible, there were no gross morphological disorders, including alterations of dendrite density in the molecular layer of the posterior cerebellum. At the same time, there were no significant differences between the flight and control groups in the morphological structure of Purkinje cells and the dendrite density in the anterior cerebellum, which may indicate the preservation of the thick-toed geckos sensorimotor functions in the microgravity.
We propose that nervous system is able to compensate incorrect information from vestibular system by tactile and visual signals.
Êeywords: space flight, biosatellite «Bion-M1», brain, cerebellum, Purkinje cell, neuroplasticity, thick-toed geckos.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-88-93
Bryndina I.G., Shalagina M.N., Ovechkin S.V., Yakovlev A.A. Sphingolipid metabolism in mice forelimb and hindlimb skeletal muscles under antiorthostatic suspension of different durations
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 94–98.
Sphingolipids including ceramide play a pivotal role in the vital activity of cells. Ceramide and its analogs influence cell proliferation and apoptosis, oxidative processes, protein synthesis, insulin signaling, etc. The functional unloading of muscles leads to an increase in the levels of ceramide and acid sphingomyelinase. The main pathways of ceramide formation are the de novo synthesis and sphingomyelin hydrolysis, whereas its degradation is catalyzed by ceramidases. In order to elucidate the mechanisms of ceramide accumulation in muscle under gravitational unloading, a comparative analysis of the changes in ceramide (Cer), sphingomyelin (SM) and the main enzymes of sphingolipid metabolism (acid sphingomyelinase SMPD1, ceramidase ASAH2, sphingosine kinase SPHK1 and sphingomyelin synthase SGMS1, ELISA) in m. soleus and m. biceps brachii of mice subjected to 6-hour and 14-day antiorthostatic suspension (AOS) was conducted. It has been revealed that, in m. soleus, the levels of Cer, SMPD1 and ASAH2 increase during AOS against the background of SM reduction. In m. biceps brachii, the decrease in ASAH2 and SPHK1 amounts was not accompanied by the changes of Cer and SM. Thus, the changes of enzymes involved in sphingolipid metabolism in unloaded hindlimb muscle (m. soleus) during AOS have a qualitatively different character compared to the loaded forelimb muscle (m. biceps brachii). Sphingomyelinase hydrolysis is one of the main pathways of ceramide accumulation in m. soleus during both short- and long-term functional unloading.
Key words: sphingolipids, skeletal muscle, antiorthostatic suspension.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-94-98
Mirzoev T.M., Tyganov S.A., Petrova I.O., Shenkman B.S. Signaling pathways of protein synthesis regulation in rat postural muscle during recovery after hindlimb unloading
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 99–105.
Time course changes in the rate of protein synthesis and molecular mechanisms of translation regulation were investigated in rat soleus muscle during recovery (reloading) from mechanical unloading (hindlimb suspension). An increased rate of protein synthesis in soleus was observed after one and 3 days of recovery compared to control (p < 0.05). A rise in protein synthesis was also detected after 7 days of reloading compared to suspended rats (p < 0.05). Using Western blotting, we detected an increase in ribosomal kinase p70 (p70s6k) and initiation factor 4E binding protein (4E-BP1) phosphorylation after 3-day reloading vs. control (p< 0.05) and a decrease in the phosphorylation of these proteins after 7 days of recovery relative to control (p < 0.05). In addition, 3-day reloading induced a significant increase in phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase (GSK-3?) vs. control (p < 0.05). The content of translation initiation factor 2B (eIF2B-?) was significantly higher after 3 days of reloading vs. control (p < 0.05), whereas the content of phospho-eIF2B-? was significantly increased after 24 hours of reloading compared with control (p < 0.05). Thus, we obtained new data about the state of intracellular anabolic signaling pathways in rat soleus during recovery after disuse-induced atrophy.
Key words: soleus muscle, reloading, protein synthesis, p70s6k, 4E-BP1, GSK-3?.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-99–105
Popova A.S., Lagereva E.A., Vinogradova O.L., Andreev-Andrievskiy A.A. Blood volume, hematological parameters and tissue water content in hindlimb-unloaded mice
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 106–113.
Reduction of plasma volume, consequent decrease of erythrocyte mass and blood volume decrease are the well documented elements of cardiovascular adaptation to microgravity in humans and larger animals. In rats, exposure to microgravity results in decrease of hematological parameters, while blood volume is not affected; in still smaller animals, mice, reaction of these parameters to microgravity has not been studied.
Using the hindlimb unloading model we found that parameters of red blood in mice decrease gradually over the first 3 days of unloading by approximately 8–10 %, but there is no further change of red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin content between 3rd and 7th days of unloading. There is virtually no change of blood volume estimated by Evans blue dilution and the calculated plasma volume. Water content transiently (days 1–3) decreased in hindlimb muscles (by ?1 %) and was elevated in the salivary glands (+3 % on 7th day); decrease of water content was also found in kidneys, but not in other amply perfused tissues (brain, lungs).
In summary, in small quadruped mammals changes of hematological parameters in modeled microgravity are similar to those observed in larger animals and humans, unlike fluid volumes, that remain unaffected.
Key words: mice, hindlimb unloading, blood volume, hematocrit, water content, microgravity.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-106-113
Tyganov S.A., Petrova I.O., Mirzoev T.M., Shenkman B.S. Changes in protein synthesis in isolated rat m. soleus after bout of eccentric contractions under hindlimb unloading condition
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 114–119.
The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in protein synthesis in isolated rat m. soleus after single bout of eccentric contractions under hindlimb unloading condition of various duration. Thirty-two adult male Wistar rats weighing 220 ± 5 g were randomly divided into 4 groups: 1) Control (vivarium cage control days followed by ex vivo bout of eccentric contractions (EC)); 2) 1HS (HS for 1 day followed by ex vivo bout of EC) 3) 3HS (HS for 3 days); 4) 7HS (HS for 7 days). Upon completion of the EC, muscles were subjected to Western blot analyses in order to determine the content of phosphorylated forms of the key anabolic markers. We found that increase in protein synthesis after EC was significantly higher in Control group compared to HS groups. We also observed similar effects for p70s6k (mTORC1 marker). The results of the study suggests that increase in protein synthesis after EC under hindlimb unloading condition is probably connected to mechanosensitive response of mTORC1-p70s6k pathway.
Key words: hindlimb unloading, m. soleus, protein synthesis, p90s6k, p70s6k, GSK-3?.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-114-119
Kupriyanova M.S., Loktev S.S., Orlov O.I., Ogneva I.V. Drosophila melanogaster ovary and testes cells cytoskeleton after complete gametogenesis cycle under changed external mechanical field
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2017. V. 51. ¹ 7 (special issue). P. 120–128.
Virgin imago groups were subjected to microgravity modeling conditions (with Random Position Machine – RPM) during complete oogenesis cycle in females (80 hours) and complete spermatogenesis cycle in males (192 hours). Control groups were under the same condition, however in constant orientation in mechanical field. Immediately after experiment ovary and testis were extracted for further actin and tubulin relative content investigation with western-blotting method, relative mRNA content of genes coding cytoskeletal proteins and both paternal and maternal factors effects with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method after preliminary reverse transcription.
The results obtained shows that there are almost no changes in relative actin and tubulin content (besides actin content decrease in ovary by 26 %) in both Drosophila melanogaster imago ovary and testes tissues exposed with RPM. Despite considerable and mostly opposite directed in ovary and testis mRNA relative content of genes, coding cytoskeletal proteins. Maternal factor Swallow (Swa), Nanos (Nos) and Torso (Tor), being correspondingly anterior and posterior terminal segment morphogenes, mRNA drop took place in Drosophila melanogaster imago ovary as well as in testis due to RPM operation. This could point to the gravitation role in morphogene distribution and embryos early development.
Keywords: microgravity, cytoskeleton, oogenesis, spermatogenesis, actin, tubulin.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2017-51-7-120-128