Kudryavtseva N.S. Analysis of reliability and equivalent mass of life support systems for remote space missions
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 5-12.
Purpose of the investigation was to study the possibility of strengthening g-tolerance and static stability in flight instructors by abdominal and leg exercises.
After 8 strength training sessions on the Statoergometer machine, the flight instructors extended the static load tolerance by 28.2 % and session length from 88–132 s to 120–150 s. The energy cost, a fitness level criterion, decreased. Besides, specially selected physical exercises had a beneficial effect on the general psychophysiological state assessed with the SAN questionnaire (the self-rating scale of wellbeing, activity and mood).
These results witness to the usefulness of 2 or 3 isometric training sessions a week to reduce physiological reactions to static loading 7.4–16.0 % and thus to optimize the flight instructor's efficiency.
Key words: flight-instructor, static tolerance, statoergometer test, physical training of pilots.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-5-12
Polyakov A.V., Usov V.M., Kryuchkov B.I., Kosachev V.E., Mikhailyuk M.V., Motienko A.I. Computer simulation of life-threatening situations and rescue, medical and evacuation activities on a lunar base
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 13-19.
Ambitious plans of the Moon exploration comprise construction of habitable lunar bases (HLB). Computer simulation of conceivable scenarios of rescuing, on-site medical assistance and evacuation can contribute immensely to maturation of the medical rescue technologies in life threatening situations on HLB. The paper analyzes the medical-engineering requirements for the development of a computer simulation system to support decision making in the shape of virtual roundtables.
Key words: habitable lunar base, life-threatening situations, emergency aid, rescue and evacuation, computer simulation system, virtual roundtable discussions of emergency.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-13-19
Wasserman E.L., Denisova D.M., Roudnitsky S.B. Methods of remote noninvasive recording of human physiological parameters for functional diagnostics and monitoring
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P.20-32
The systematic review of public papers published in 2012–2018 demonstrated the present-day capabilities and standards of remote noninvasive functional diagnostics, as well as recent trends. Pinpointed are instrumental and methodical approaches providing a relatively higher quality and broader spectrum of the physiological measurements. There are still few papers describing chemical sensors, multimodal measurements, interconnecting sensors and methods of regularization. Robustness of real-time evaluations and accuracy of secondary parameters remain to be a bottleneck. Methods of location, thermography and speech furnish the largest diversity of physiological parameters. Radiolocation and ultrasonic location are distinguished by high tolerance of impacting factors. As a rule, the least organizational complexity features methods using video cameras.
Key words: functional state, noninvasive measurement, remote diagnostics.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-20-32
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Badakva A.M., Miller N.V., Zobova L.N., Roshchin V.Yu. Studies of the plantar unloading effect on cortical mechanisms of arm movements control in immersion experiments with primates
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 33-38.
Investigations with two Macaca mulatta were aimed to study the effects of 3-hour support unloading in neutral-water immersion to the neck on the arm neurons presentation in the primary motor cortex (Ì1). The correcting response of various brain structures to shifting the curser with a joystick toward a peripheral target was evaluated. A series of two immersions evidenced for constancy of current thresholds during Ì1 microstimulation that annuls and substitutes the natural arm activities producing arm movements with a spatially stable end point. Consequently, the investigations denied immersion impact on the neuronal functioning in this region. However, changes in the correcting response to the cursor shift suggest that the short-term support unloading affects planning and correction of arm movements by the parietal cortex.
Key words: primates, immersion, microstimulation, cursor, joystick, cortex structures.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-33-38
Dadasheva O.A., Gurieva T.S., Grushina O.A., Mednikova E.I., Ionov S.V., Sychev V.N. Characteristics of the eye structure in fish Danio rerio after exposure in microgravity
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 39-42.
The paper presents the Danio rerio eye histology data following 36 days of exposure on the International space station. As it is known, vision is a primary remote sense organ that gives the fish an idea about its location. Histological investigations of space-flown fishes revealed signs of vitreous body reduction, focal changes in the retina inner layers, and folds in the retina. The factor for these structural disorders appears to be a decreased flux of plasma dialysate from the choroid arterial capillaries due to the hydrostatic pressure drop or low aqueous humor secretion by the iris epithelium. These changes disturb phototransduction from the cone and rod photoreceptor cells to the brain optic lobes.
Key words: microgravity, Danio rerio fish, histological investigations, eyes, vitreous body, retina.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-39-42
Maltsev V.N., Ushakov I.B. Entropy information analysis of the white blood profile in helicopter pilots – participants in elimination of the Chernobyl nuclear power station accident
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 43-48.
The article discusses potentiality of the white blood entropy information analysis for the integral leukopoiesis assessment in helicopter pilots in 5 to 7 years since participation in elimination of the Chernobyl nuclear power station (CNPS) accident. The external radiation dose amounted to 0,2–0,3 Gy. The leukocyte level in peripheral blood in the delayed period was found to remain normal; however, changes in the relative cell content and, therefore, white blood entropy suggested impairment of leucopoiesis regulation. Values of these indices were above normal but not pathologic.
Key words: information analysis, entropy, leukopoiesis, helicopter pilot, external ?-exposure, blood count, Chernobyl nuclear power station.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-43-48
Sheshegov P.M., Zinkin V.N., Slivina L.P. Aviation noise: features of progression and prevention of sensorineural hearing loss in Air Force aviation specialists
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 49-56.
Occupational sensorineural loss of hearing (SNHL) occupies a particular place within the structure of occupational diseases. The disease is largely due to a specific noise spectrum. In aviators SNHL is induced by the combination of noise and infrasound and should be considered as a separate pathology that calls for the development of appropriate personal hearing protectors.
Key words: aviation noise, infrasound, sensorineural loss of hearing, combined exposure, audiometry, prevention.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-49-56
Pavlov K.I., Syrtsev A.V., Mukhin V.N., Arkhimuk A.N., Mikheev A.V., Kopytova Yu.S., Khamitova Å.À., Sysoev V.N., Petrenko M.I. Analysis of informativity of electrophysiological data in context of rating military occupational adaptation of naval school students
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 57-66.
Benefits from the use of electrophysiological data for rating the military occupational adaptation of naval school students (n = 81, 19.07 ± 0.77) were assessed based on psychological, psychophysiological and physiological testing, heart rate variability (HRV) analysis and electroencephalography. Multiple correlations were established between HRV, activity of the brain sensorimotor cortex, cognitive functions and level of military occupational adaptation. Students with a high adaptation level demonstrated spatial perception, concentration, thinking, high activity of the sensorimotor cortex in the right hemisphere, and high total and relative high-frequency powers of heart rate modulations.
Key words: cognitive functions, adaptation, heart rate variability, EEG.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-57-66
Korolev V.A., Kalinkin L.A., Ivanov I.V. Expert review of the ways to reduce the injury rate among athletes
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 67-75.
The growing challenge of sports safety culture necessitates pilot studies in allied disciplines and terms definition. Our analysis brought to light the following components vital for safety in the sport training system: 1) functional capability, genetic and anthropometrical portrait of athlete; 2) exercise technique; 3) tactics and team building; 4) outfit, equipment; 5) facility, conditions, environment; 6) psychophysical, biomedical, rehabilitation, and hygiene programs. Training safety (hazard) levels are: perfect, restricted, low, very low, extremely low. The integrated approach is based on the method of elementwise structuring of training aimed at in-depth studies of the functioning and interdependence of the system elements and development thereupon of safety standards and policy.
Key words: athlete health, sport training, sport training systems and elements, safety criteria, safety (hazard) levels, system approach.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-67-75
Ivanov Yu.V., Yasnetsov Vik.V., Karsanova S.K., Yasnetsov V.V. Antiamnestic properties of new 3-hydroxypyrites derivatives
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 76-80.
Experiments with mice demonstrated the antiamnestic effects of new 3-hydroxypyrites derivatives SK-132 (50 mg/kg), SK-170 and SK-171 (12,5; 25 and 50 mg/kg) in 2 amnesia models, i.e. induced electroconvulsive shock and scopolamine. SK-170 and SK-171 excelled reference medicine mexidol, whereas the effect of SK-132 was equal of the mexidol one. Pneumomicroinjection of SK-132, SK-170 and SÊ-171 to cats had a direct effect on 77, 88 and 88 % neurons of field-5 of the parietal association cortex respectively. The inhibitory reaction was observed 11, 13,5 and 13 times more frequently than excitory. The inhibitory effect of SK-170 and SK-171 was observed 1,4 times more often than of mexidol. Consequently, field-5 of the parietal association cortex is a key for realization of the central, including antiamnestic effect of these new derivatives.
Key words: new 3-hydroxypyrites derivatives, antiamnestic effect, field-5 of the parietal association cortex, mice, cats.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-76-80
Kharin S.A., Novikova N.D., Smirnov Yu.I., Poddubko S.V., Fetter V., Hummel T., Reidt U., Helvig A., Leenich J., Grosser Y. Investigation into microbial contamination of the International space station interior with portable gas sensing system «E-Nose»
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 81-88.
The paper presents results of the second stage of space experiment «Electronic Nose» onboard the International space station (ISS) that was aimed to test a new model of research tool «E-Nose» designed for microbial monitoring of the ISS interior. The tool enables on-site analysis of the composition of gasses produced by bacteria and fungi residing on ISS structural materials. The experiment took eighteen months. Every 2 months a cosmonaut used tool «E-Nose» to measure microbial contamination of easy- and hard-to-reach surfaces and downloaded the data to the investigators on Earth. The total of 8 monitoring sessions resulted in detection of both fungal and bacterial contamination of some ISS surfaces.
Key words: International space station (ISS), bacteria, fungi, microbial contamination, interior and equipment, device «E-Nose».
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-81-88
Tikhomirov A.A., Khizhnyak S.V., Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirova N.À., Pavlova À.Ì. Fusarium root rot as a risk factor for cultivating wheat in artificial eco-systems
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 89-96.
The paper deals with a spectrum and course of wheat diseases in bio-technical life support systems. Wheat Triticum aestivum L. strain 232 grown specifically for closed bio-regenerative life support systems was cultivated hydroponically on liquid products of human exometabolites mineralization with a risk of agents' penetration via open air exchange. It was found out that Fusarium root rot of roots and stem base is the most probable infectious disease of the wheat. Affection by Fusarium turns very soon into epiphytoty because of massive production of conidia (1500 conidia per an infected plant a day on the average) and their rapid dissemination through nutrient solution. Infection during sprouting and tillering typically leads to death and on late phases, to falling yield and/or reduction of the total dry weight of uneatable biomass. Advent of Fusarium necessitates removal of all plants and ensuing plant chamber disinfection with 6 % hydrogen peroxide as well as substrate and solution placement in autoclave at 121 °C. Fusarium infection can be prevented by presowing treatment of seeds with fungicide «VialTrasT» and regular nutrient solution disinfection with Aquapro UV-S.
Key words: bio-technical life support systems, hydroponics, plant conveyer, Fusarium.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-89-96
Velichko V.V., Ushakova S.A., Trifonov S.V., Tikhomirov À.À. Evaluation of the effect of straw physical-chemical mineralization on the yield of wheat grown on soil-like substrate
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 97-103.
Effects of various levels of wheat straw mineralization by hydrogen peroxide combined with ac current on wheat grown on a soil-like substrate were studed. Straw mixed with hydrogen peroxide was oxidized in a reactor till full Í2Î2 disintegration. Suboxidized sediments were applied to the substrate before seeding; supernatants were used to maintain the nitrogen content of irrigation solutions at the level of 150–200 mg/l. Application of suboxidized straw mineralization products was found to reduce grain yield. The inhibiting effect on the wheat crop was the more so as the amount of suboxidized sediments increased. This negative effect was not observed and, consequently, the grain yield was high on condition of full straw mineralization.
Key words: soil-like substrate, physical-chemical oxidation, wheat Triticum aestivum, bio-technical life support system.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-97-103
Brief Communications
Servuli Å.À., Ponomarev S.À., Shevchenko Ì.À. Choice of an optimal model of ovalbumin-induced allergic airways inflammation to assess the inflammatory response in mice exposed to tail suspended simulation of the effects of microgravity
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 104-107.
In long-duration space missions there is a risk of sensitization to various allergens. The investigation was aimed at testing the applicability of induced allergic airways inflammation (IAAI) as a model of the inflammatory response in tail-suspended mice BALB/c. Allergy-induced IAAI in the suspended animals was accompanied by less pronounced airways infiltration by leukocytes and eosinophilia as compared with mice of the laboratory control.
Key words: allergic airways inflammation, tail-suspension, immune response, eosinophils, neutrophils.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-104-107
Vonarshenko A.P., Zasiad'ko K.I., Soldatov S.Ê., Bogomolov À.V., Yazlyuk M.N. Study of the possibility to develop special physical qualities in flight instructors by static stability training
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2019. V. 53. ¹ 3. P. 108-112.
Purpose of the investigation was to study the possibility of strengthening g-tolerance and static stability in flight instructors by abdominal and leg exercises.
After 8 strength training sessions on the Statoergometer machine, the flight instructors extended the static load tolerance by 28.2 % and session length from 88–132 s to 120–150 s. The energy cost, a fitness level criterion, decreased. Besides, specially selected physical exercises had a beneficial effect on the general psychophysiological state assessed with the SAN questionnaire (the self-rating scale of wellbeing, activity and mood).
These results witness to the usefulness of 2 or 3 isometric training sessions a week to reduce physiological reactions to static loading 7.4–16.0 % and thus to optimize the flight instructor's efficiency.
Key words: flight-instructor, static tolerance, statoergometer test, physical training of pilots.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2019-53-3-108-112