Ilyin E.A., Potapov A.N. Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev (to the 75th anniversary of the birthday)
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-5-9
Orlov O.I., Chernogorov R.V., Perevedentsev O.V., Polyakov A.V. Use of the computer-assisted technologies for optimization of medical care means in piloted space exploration missions
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 10–15.
The system of medical care used in Russian segment of the International space station in space missions is directed to support space crews in orbital missions. The system gives the priority to the telemedicine rather than medical procedures performed by crew autonomously.
The long experience showed effectiveness of the existing system, however travels beyond the low-Earth's orbit add substantial limitations calling for reconsideration of approaches to the crew medical care. Among the special features of these missions will be increasing time of autonomy. There is a high probability that crews will have to make medical decisions by themselves and computer-assisted systems are likely to be a proper tool of health care.
The IBMP-developed software of medical inventory control and practice guidance enhances quality of the day-to-day use of medical resources on the ISS Russian segment and can serve as a prototype of a medical decision support system within the intelligent loop aboard future piloted spacecrafts.
Key words: health care, computer assistance, medical provisions, telemedicine, decision-making support system, space exploration mission, piloted spacecraft.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-10-15
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Fomina E.V., Lysova N.Yu. Regression model as a core of the individual approach to building the system of countermeasures to the adverse effects of microgravity
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 16–23.
The Russian system of countermeasures to the adverse effects of microgravity proceeds from 3 pillars of the locomotion physical training, i.e. an interval or continuous method, passive portion in the total dose of locomotions and axial loading in percent to the body mass. However, not all crewmembers adhere to the load prescriptions. The paper introduces a new approach to the countermeasures system, i.e. estimation of the synergy of axial loading and passive training using the multiple linear regression analysis of changes in physical performance in and post space mission.
Key words: microgravity, locomotion training, axial loading, physical performance.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-16-23
Stepanova S.I., Karpova O.I., Nesterov V.F., Galichiy V.A., Koroleva M.V. Work and rest cycle of the Russian cosmonaut in the 340-day mission on the International space station
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 24–28.
Scrutiny of the work and rest cycle of the Russian participant in the 340-d ISS mission in 2015–2016 showed that workload was uneven in the course of the mission being hard in the period between mid-June and end of August of 2015 and then beginning in mid-December of 2016 till the mission completion. In both periods, the weekly overwork varied in the interval from 42 min to 2 h 13 min (6 to 19 min of overwork per a day). Total time of overwork constituted approximately half the mission length. Otherwise the workload was below the standard limit. 92 % of the night sleep time was planned according to the regulations, i.e. 8.5 h from 09.30 p.m. till 06.00 a.m. Greenwich Time. In 8 % of nights the sleep was shifted slightly or replaced fully by work. Sleep shifting was both clockwise and counterclockwise and varied from 30 min to 11 hours.
Extension of space missions to a year and longer will dictate workload management with consideration of seasonal changes in the vital body functions.
Key words: 340-day mission, work and rest cycle, overwork, standard workload, planned sleep time, seasonal changes in the vital body functions.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-24-28
Mitrikas V.G., Khorosheva E.G. Calculation of personal doses to cosmonauts by readings of the board dosimeters
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 29–33.
Radiation monitoring of cosmonauts demands estimation of personal absorbed doses received in spacecraft compartments varying in their shielding properties. The paper describes how to calculate the dose from readings of the Pille dosimeters. A relatively simple technique discloses whether or not a cosmonaut carried the personal dosimeter permanently. Results of these dose calculations provide another evidence for additional radiation shielding of crew quarters in the ISS Service module.
Key words: space ionizing radiation, effective dose, quality factor.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-29-33
Polyakov A.V., Altunin À.À., Kryuchkov B.I., Motienko À.I., Ronzhin A.L., Usov V.Ì. Use of rescue robots in off-nominal medical situations during extravehicular activities on the Moon surface
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 34–41.
The present Moon exploration concept encompasses utilization of robotics. Since it cannot be excluded that during an extravehicular activity (EVA) on the Moon a crewmember may become unwell and lose performance, worthwhile is a discussion of increasing the strength and functionality of robotics for emergency evacuation of the disabled crewmember to the airlock.
The paper puts together facts derived from analysis of the existing rescue robots used at disaster sites. This information is crucial for updating the medical-engineering specifications for EVA rescue robots, and robotic systems assisting in quick emergency estimation and decision-making.
Key words: extravehicular activity, Moon surface, off-nominal event, loss of performance, evacuation to the rover, rescue robot.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-34-41
Bogomolov V.V., Kondratenko S.N., Polyakov A.V., Kovachevich I.V., Repenkova L.G. Pharmacokinetics of Verapamil and hemodynamic indices during head-down bed rest
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 42–47.
Purpose of the work was to study pharmacokinetics of Ca ions antagonist Verapamil (a single 80 mg dose) and hemodynamics in 9 volunteers with normal life activities (experiment-1) and on the second day of head-down (-8°) bed rest (experiment-2). Plasma concentration of Verapamil was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection. Heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV) and general peripheral vascular resistance (GPVR) were measured using integral rheography according to Ì. Tishchenko (Mingograf-410, Russia); blood pressure (BP) was measured by Korotkov's tones. Analysis of Verapamil pharmacokinetics in both experiments showed identity of the averaged curve profiles that did not differ reliably. Pharmacokinetic parameters were comparable. Based on hemodynamics analysis, HR elevation in one hour after Verapamil administration was the most common reaction in both experiments; a short CO rise and GPVR decrease were observed in experiment-2 in one hour after administration. These hemodynamic shifts were not pathologic and did not deviate from the physiological range in healthy people; changes in Verapamil pharmacokinetics also were not detected.
These findings provide the grounds to recommend Verapamil for rational pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases that may develop in piloted space missions.
Key words: pharmacokinetics, head-down bed rest, hemodynamics, Verapamil.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-42-47
Moreva T.I., Kriushev E.S., Moreva O.V., Pasekova O.B. Effect of dry immersion on blood flow in jugular veins and cerebral venous sinus: ultrasonic methods of investigation
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 48–53.
Venous circulation in the brain was investigated in a 3-d dry immersion experiment. The purpose was to study the effect of microgravity factors on venous drainage from the cranial cavity. Duplex scanning and Doppler ultrasound were used to register hemodynamic parameters of the cervical main veins, orbit and cerebral venous sinus. A significant blood flow reduction in the jugular pathway was concurrent with activation of additional pathways in the extra- and intracranial venous systems of the brain. These results suggest trigger of mechanisms capable to compensate the increasing intracranial venous pressure. The fact that in some volunteers the intracranial venous blood flow did not accelerate can reflect anatomical specifics and invite a more scrupulous investigation of their venous systems.
Key words: venous drainage, internal jugular vein, cross-section, tentorial sinus, jugular path, vertebral path, ultrasonic investigation of blood flow.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-48-53
Deshevaya Å.À., Pecherkin V.Ya., Vasilyak L.M., Shubralova E.V., Novikova N.D., Guridov À.À., Tsygankov O.S. Survival of microorganisms on test objects during vacuumization
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 54–59.
The presence of viable microorganisms, first and foremost spores of bacteria and microscopic fungi, on external surfaces of the International space station (ISS) evidenced previously in space experiment «Test» calls for a more detail evaluation of space effects on the living systems. In view of this, a long-term external exposure of microorganisms is planned in the next ISS experiment of the «Test» series. The paper reports on survivability of bacterial and fungal spores after fast vacuumization on sampler «Test»-Exponat. These results were used to select microbial strains highly resistant to a sharp pressure drop for the upcoming space experiment, and to understand the dependence of survival on the condition of the sampler surface.
Key words: vacuum, International space station, bacteria, fungi, survival of microorganisms.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-54-59
Diving Medicine
Sementsov V.N., Ivanov I.V. Diving accidentology as a mainstream of diving and diving medicine
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 60–68.
Goal of the investigation is to provide a substantiation and system of diving accidentology, a topical area in diving work and medicine. Term «diving accidentology» is defined and stepwise expertise following the algorithms of technical, medical and integrated examinations described in respective standard acts. The proposed approaches, examinations flowchart and a checklist improve the quality of diving accident expertise and prevention as of diving accidents, so occupational diseases and disabilities.
Key words: diver, diving medicine, diving accidentology, aircraft crashes over the sea, accident examination, regulations, accident prevention.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-60-68
Sports Medicine
Pastukhova I.V., Safonov L.V., Mashkovsky E.V. Comparative performance analysis of cross country skiers with impairments of the musculoskeletal apparatus based on a long-term follow-up
Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2018. V. 52. ¹ 2. P. 69–76.
The investigation was focused on analysis of performance and functional capabilities of the body energy systems in Russian winter paralympic team members with musculoskeletal impairments (MPI) competing in biathlon and cross-country skiing.
The purpose was to establish the dependence of paralympic athlete fitness on the period of pre- and post-Olympic training, and to evaluate effectiveness of the recovery period thereupon.
Physiological profiles were obtained as a result of incremental load tests until failure. Sit- and standing-skiers showed upward trends in their performance comparable with those of usual skiers. Physical performance of athletes with impairments affecting the upper limbs was comparable with the results of essentially healthy athletes and had a minimal number of factors limiting a further growth of abilities. Analysis of the sit-skiers data showed a lowered level of general physical fitness excused by more severe disabilities and, consequently, more numerous factors limiting the abilities development. However, growth of the aerobic capacity by 11.6 % during the recovery period in 2014 points to the potentiality of this group of athletes to improve endurance.
Key words: paralympic athletes, overtraining, physical fitness, musculoskeletal impairment, cyclic sports, performance.
DOI: 10.21687/0233-528X-2018-52-2-69-76